Privacy Policy of Wahlap Official Website


Updated Date: June 24, 2024

Effective Date: June 24, 2024


This Privacy Policy of Wahlap Official Website (“Policy”) describes how Guangzhou Wahlap Technology Co., Ltd. (“Wahlap Technology” or “we”) processes your personal information during your visit and use of Wahlap Official Website (website: or through other means, collectively “Wahlap Official Website”), and the means we provide for you to access, correct, delete and protect such personal information. We appreciate the importance of personal information and privacy of our users (“you”). We attach great importance to and implement relevant security measures to safeguard your personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, as well as well-established industry security standards. We appreciate your trust in us and commit to protecting your personal information in compliance with the following principles: principle of accountability, principle of clear purpose, principle of opt-in and consent, principle of minimization and necessity, principle of security confirmation, principle of data subject’s participation and principle of openness and transparency.


This Policy helps you understand:

1.      How Do We Collect and Use Your Personal Information?

2.      How Do We Share, Transfer and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Information?

3.      How Do We Store and Protect Your Personal Information?

4.      Your Rights

5.      Protection of Personal Information of Minors

6.      Notices and Amendments

7.      Contact Us


[Special Notice] Prior to visiting and using Wahlap Official Website, you should carefully read and fully understand this Policy (contents marked in bolded font may have specific impact on your rights and interests so please pay special attention). Please note that by visiting and using Wahlap Official Website, you are consenting to our processing of your relevant personal information as described in this Policy. If you have any question regarding this Policy, please contact us through any method set forth in Section 7 “Contact Us” of this Policy.


Please note that, this Policy shall not apply to products/services of third parties (including your transaction counterparties, any third-party websites, third-party service providers, etc.) which you access through Wahlap Official Website. With respect to how your personal information is processed when you use such third parties’ products/services, please refer to the privacy policies (or any statements with similar nature) of such third parties. Please protect your personal information properly and only provide it to a third party when necessary.


1.        How Do We Collect and Use Your Personal Information?


While visiting and using Wahlap Official Website, you need or may choose to authorize us to process your personal information in/for the following scenarios/purposes:


1.1.      To Provide You with the Expanded Functions of Wahlap Official Website

In order to provide you with the expanded functions of Wahlap Official Website, your authorization for us to collect and use relevant personal information in/for the following scenarios/purposes is needed. You may choose not to grant us such authorization, and as a result, you would not be able to take advantage of our expanded services or intended functional effects but you can still enjoy the basic functions of Wahlap Official Website.

(1)   Contact Us

When you contact us, we need to collect necessary personal information for the purpose of verifying your identity, which includes name, email,WhatsApp or WeChat. During the process of providing customer support, we may record and save the content of communication, correspondence/conversation records and other relevant information (including contact information you provide). If you refuse to provide the above-mentioned information, we may not be able to provide the services you need.


(2)   To Provide Security Assurance

To improve the security of our services and better prevent and detect frauds and Trojans, we may integrate your personal information that we collect directly from you and that we collect from our affiliates or partners either under your authorization or otherwise permitted by law. Via overall consideration of various information (such as your habits and information of your frequently used software), we evaluate risks related to your account, including verifying your identity, preventing, detecting and investigating possible security risks of frauds, internet viruses and cyber-attacks, and activities in violation of our or our affiliates’ agreements, policies or rules, so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of yours, other users, us or affiliates, and we may record some Uniform Resource Locators that we consider risky.


To prevent our system from large-scale Distributed Denial-of-Service (“DDoS”) attack, we record IP address you use to connect to the server for a short period (not more than 24 hours) in order to distinguish legitimate users from attackers and implement blocking measures against identified attackers. Your IP address will never be used for any other purpose, shared with any third parties or stored on a long-term basis.


(3)   To Monitor the Operations of Wahlap Official Website and Conduct System Maintenance and Management

Similar with all other websites, we record and analyze weblogs to monitor the operations of Wahlap Official Website, to identify the cause of errors and troubleshoot errors, and to support the system maintenance and management. A weblog will include the following contents: your IP address, information about your browser and terminal equipment, specific access time, specific pages visited and landing pages, access time, and information related to browsing, searching, clicks, etc.


(4)   To Comply with Applicable Law

As required by relevant laws and regulations, we store weblogs for the period required by law.


1.2.      How Do We Use Cookies

When you visit and use Wahlap Official Website, we send small pieces of text called cookies to your computer or mobile device. We use necessary cookies to provide you with essential functions and services, including: improving features, routing traffic to and from web servers, determining webpage-loading time, improving user experience and conducting user statistics. These cookies are essential to the operations of Wahlap Official Website.


Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but usually you can block cookies by changing the settings of your browser. You can clear all cookies saved on your computer. If you do so, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit Wahlap Official Website, and any information you have recorded previously will be deleted, and it may also impact the security of the services you use.


1.3.      Personal Information that We May Collect Indirectly

With your authorization, we may collect your personal information from third parties for the purposes such as verifying identity, protecting account security, confirming transaction status as well as providing you with customer support and resolving disputes. While collecting personal information indirectly, we will comply with applicable laws and regulations, agreements between Wahlap Technology and third parties as well as your authorization, and we will use such indirectly-collected personal information only after confirming the legality of the information sources. If Wahlap Official Website needs to process personal information beyond the scope of authorization and consent that you originally granted to the third-party information sources, Wahlap Official Website will separately obtain your express consent prior to processing such personal information.


1.4.      Exception to Consent

You are fully aware that, pursuant to applicable laws, we are not required to obtain your authorization or consent when collecting and processing your personal information in any of the following circumstances:

(1)   if the processing is necessary to fulfill statutory duties or obligations, such as those directly related to national security, security of national defense, criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and enforcement of judgments;

(2)   if the processing is necessary to respond to public health emergencies or protect the life, health and property safety of natural persons in emergency situations;

(3)   if the processing is within a reasonable scope to conduct news reporting and public opinion-based supervision, or other activities in the public interest;

(4)   if the personal information processed is information that has been disclosed by the individuals themselves or other personal information that has been lawfully disclosed, and if the processing is within a reasonable scope and in accordance with applicable laws; and

(5)   other circumstances as provided by applicable laws and regulations.



2.        How Do We Share, Transfer and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Information?


2.1.      Sharing

In the course of providing services to you at Wahlap Official Website, in certain scenarios, we may need to collaborate with third parties (including affiliates and non-affiliated third parties) in order to provide, secure and improve the services you request; for this purpose, we may need to provide certain personal information of yours to such third parties.


(1)   To Comply with Statutory Requirements. We may share your personal information with others if it is required under applicable laws and regulations, needed for litigation and dispute resolution, specified in the relevant agreements or legal documents signed between you and us, or ordered by administrative, judicial or other competent authorities.


2.1.1.     Except for the circumstances described above, we will further seek your express consent or authorization before sharing your personal information with any other company, organization or individual.


List of Partners of Wahlap Official Website


In the course of providing services to you at Wahlap Official Website, in certain scenarios, we may need to collaborate with third parties (including affiliates and non-affiliated third parties) to provide, secure and improve the services requested by you and we may share certain personal information of yours with such third parties to secure the successful delivery of products/services.


Name of the Third-Party


Personal Information Involved



Method of Data Transfer

Link to the Privacy Policy or Company Website of the third party


Contact customer

WhatsApp number


After the customer leaves their number, sales contact the customer.


Contact customer

Manual entry

Link to company website:


Link to privacy policy:


WeChat number


Link to company website:


Link to privacy policy:


We will only share your personal information for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes. With respect to companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information solely for the purposes stated in this Policy, we will execute strict information protection and confidentiality agreements with them and require them to comply with the agreements and implement relevant security measures to safeguard your personal information.


2.2.      Transfer

As our business develops, our affiliates and we may be involved in mergers, acquisitions, restructurings, transfers of assets or similar transactions. If any of the transactions involves transfer of personal information, we will request the company or the organization to which your personal information is transferred to continue to be bound by this Policy, or we will request such company or organization to obtain your authorization and consent again. Except for the circumstances described above, we will not transfer your personal information without your express consent.


2.3.      Public Disclosure

We will publicly disclose your personal information only under the following circumstances and with the implementation of security measures that meet industry standards:

(1)   Based on your needs, we will disclose your personal information in the manner expressly agreed to by you;

(2)   In the event that public disclosure of your personal information is required under applicable laws and regulations, or compulsory requirements of administrative law-enforcement authorities or judicial authorities, we may publicly disclose your personal information within the type and in the manner as required thereby.


Please note that, the information you voluntarily disclose or publicize when using our services may involve personal information of yours or others. When using our services, please consider prudently regarding whether or not to disclose or publicize any information.


2.4.      Exceptions to the Consent Requirement for Sharing, Transfer and Public Disclosure of Personal Information

Except for the circumstances described above, in the following circumstances, we are not required to obtain your prior consent for providing or transferring your personal information to any third party or publicly disclose your personal information:

(1)   if the sharing, transfer or disclosure is related to national security or security of national defense;

(2)   if the sharing, transfer or disclosure is related to public safety, public health or significant public interests;

(3)   if the sharing, transfer or disclosure is related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and enforcement of judgment;

(4)   if the personal information is needed for protecting your or other individuals’ life, property and other vital legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain your consent;

(5)   If the personal information has been voluntarily disclosed to the public by you;

(6)   If the personal information was collected from information that has been lawfully disclosed to public, such as lawful news reports, governmental information-publicity, etc. (except for any sharing, transfer of disclosure that you expressly refuse or that may harm your material interests); and

(7)   Other circumstances prescribed by law in which your authorization or consent is not required. In accordance with applicable law, to the extent the information shared, transferred or disclosed has been anonymized and we ensure that the anonymized information cannot be restored and used to identify the data subjects, we may process such information without further notifying you and/or obtaining your consent.



3.        How Do We Store and Protect Your Personal Information?


3.1.      Storage of Personal Information


3.1.1.     How long do we retain your personal information?


We will only retain your personal information for the shortest period necessary to achieve the purposes described in this Policy, unless there are mandatory retention requirements set forth in applicable laws or regulations. For example, the Electronic Commerce Law of the People’s Republic of China requires the e-commerce platform operators to retain information related to goods, services, and any specific transaction for a period of at least three years from the date on which the transaction is completed. We retain transaction-related personal information for the longest of (i) the retention period needed for completing transactions with you, maintaining the relevant transaction and business records to prepare for your possible inquiries or complaints; (ii) the retention period needed for ensuring the safety and quality of the services we provide to you; (iii) the retention period you agree to; and (iv) the retention period agreed upon in any other special agreement or required under applicable laws and regulations.


Personal information that are not transaction-related will be retained until the earlier of (i) you exercise your right of deletion (please refer to section 4.2 of this Policy); (ii) you close your account (please refer to section 4.3 of this Policy); and (iii) Wahlap Official Website ceases its operation.


After the retention period expires, we will delete or anonymize your personal information in accordance with applicable laws. When your account is closed for any reason, we will process your personal information in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.


3.1.2.     Where we store your personal information?

Applicable to the situation where Wahlap collects information abroad and stores it within the territory of China

In principle, any personal information collected by us will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China. We will not provide any of your personal information to any recipient outside of China without conforming to applicable laws, regulations and regulatory requirements of China. Since Wahlap Official Website provides its services through its resources and servers deployed in multiple jurisdictions, subject to your consent, your personal information may be transferred to or accessed from jurisdictions other than your home country or region. These jurisdictions may have different data protection laws, or may not have such law at all. In such cases, we will ensure that your personal information is accorded the level of protection sufficiently equivalent to that stored within the territory of the People’s Republic of China. For example, we will obtain your consent to the cross-border transfer of personal information, or implement security measures such as data de-identification prior to the cross-border transfer of personal information.


3.1.3.     Termination of Operation

In the cases such as the termination of the operation of Wahlap Official Website, we will notify you at least 30 days in advance in the forms such as push notification or public announcement.  Upon the termination of operations, we will stop collecting your personal information and delete or anonymize your personal information within a reasonable period of time in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.


3.2.      How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?


3.2.1.     Data Security Measures

To protect the security of your personal information, we have implemented industry-standard security measures to protect the personal information you provide against any unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. We will take all reasonable and practical measures to protect your personal information, for example:

(1)   Establishing overall rules, management rules and technology standards of network and information security; establishing data classification system, data security management rules and data security development rules to manage and regulate the transmission, storage and use of personal information;

(2)   Implementing comprehensive data security control by signing confidentiality agreements with individuals who have access to personal information and establishing monitoring and audit mechanisms;

(3)   Using state-of-the-art encryption technologies to protect your data security during data transmission and storage; using reliable protection mechanisms to protect data from malicious attacks;

(4)   Regularly backing up data and establishing comprehensive data recovery system to cope with accidental data loss or damage to ensure the durability and reliability of data;

(5)   Establishing an information security decision-making committee to assume responsibility for network security protection; establishing an early-warning system in the information system center to closely monitor the operation status of network equipment on a 24x7 basis; and conducting regular tests and inspection on the circuits, performance and security.

(6)   The information system center will conduct inspections on and tests of network equipment, server, operating system and application system at least once per quarter;

(7)   Deploying access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information and sensitive personal information, and personal information will only be accessed when necessary; if it is necessary for a specific person to process personal information beyond his or her authorization, such over-authorization process shall be reviewed and approved by, and approval record shall be kept by, the person responsible for personal information protection in Wahlap Technology or the personal information protection agency; and

(8)   Conducting security and privacy trainings to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.


3.2.2.     Our Data Security Capabilities


a.     Web Application Firewall

    Detecting and preventing multiple types of cyber-attacks, including, among others, SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), to protect your data from unauthorized access or tampering;

    Conducting real-time filtering and checking of data entering into and leaving Web Applications, to identify and block malicious data and ensure that your data is not damaged.


b.     DDoS protection:

    Availability protection: DDoS attacks are designed to render network services unavailable, which might affect the availability of your data. The implementation of DDoS protection measures, such as traffic filtering and load balancing, can ensure that your network services are always available, thereby protecting the accessibility of your data;

    Data confidentiality: although DDoS attacks mainly aim at the availability of network services, such attacks might affect the encryption and decryption operations in the course of data transmission, which might lead to the leakage of sensitive data. Through implementing end-to-end encryption and other security measures, we can protect data confidentiality, even when facing DDoS attacks;

    Data integrity: DDoS attacks may cause network service interruption or packet tampering, which may affect data integrity. Through implementing data integrity check and verification mechanism, we can detect and correct the tampering data caused by DDoS attacks timely and ensure that data integrity is not affected;

    Attack detection and response: through the implementation of DDoS attack detection and response mechanism, we can detect DDoS attacks timely and respond with corresponding measures. Such measures include real-time monitoring of network traffic, identifying abnormal traffic patterns and automatically or manually triggering defense mechanisms to mitigate the impact of DDoS attacks on data security.


3.2.3.     You acknowledge and understand that the Internet is not an absolutely secure environment and that we will endeavor to ensure and guarantee the security of any information you send to us. If our physical, technical or administrative safeguards are destroyed, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering with or damage to the information which damages your lawful rights and interests, we will bear corresponding legal liability.


In the meantime, we strongly encourage you to take necessary actions to assist us in ensuring the security of your account, including without limitation to properly protect your account information, not to disclose any such information to any third party, setting and using complex passwords, using your account in a secure manner, not to use the services of Wahlap Official Website via other transaction tools. If you note that your personal information, in particular your account or password, has been leaked, please contact us through any method set forth in Section 7 “Contact Us” of this Policy so that we can take appropriate action. When using Wahlap Official Website, you will inevitably disclose your personal information to us. Please implement the aforementioned measures to prevent your information from being stolen or subject to cyber-frauds.


3.2.4.     Security Incident

In the unfortunate event of a personal information security incident, our information system center will immediately implement protection measures, activate the emergency reaction plan and report to the information security decision-making committee to prevent the security incident from exacerbating. We will, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, promptly inform you of the basic information and possible impact of the security incident, actions we have taken or will take in response thereto, suggestions for risk prevention and reduction action you may take on your side, and remedial measures for you. We will notify you of the incident in a timely manner by email, letter, telephone, push notification and other means. Where it is difficult to inform each subject of personal information, we will make an announcement in a reasonable and effective way. Meanwhile, we will also report the resolution of the personal information security incident to the competent regulatory authorities.



4.        Your Rights


You shall have the following rights to your personal information. Pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations, under special circumstances, unless otherwise arranged by you, your close relatives may exercise the following rights to your personal information for their own legal and legitimate interests.


4.1.      Accessing and Correcting Your Personal Information

Unless otherwise restricted by laws or regulations, you have the right to access your personal information. If you would like to exercise your data access right, you may manage your information by sending an email to our email address ( We will respond to your request within 10 business days. If you would like to revoke your authorization, please send an email to us again.


4.2.      Erasing Your Personal Information

You may send a request to us to erase your personal information under the following circumstances:

(1)   If our processing of the personal information violates laws or regulations;

(2)   If our processing of the personal information is in breach of our agreement with you;

(3)   If you no longer use Wahlap Official Website’s services or have closed your account;

(4)   If we no longer provide you with the services of Wahlap Official Website.


If we decide to act on your request for erasure, we will also notify the entities that have obtained your personal information from us and request them to promptly erase such information, unless continuous retention of your personal information by the said entities is otherwise permitted by law, or the said entities have obtained your authorization independently.


After you erase your information from our services, we may not immediately erase the corresponding information in our backup system, but will erase the information when the backup is updated.


4.3.      Closing/deregistering Your Account

You may close/deregister your account at any time by sending an email to our email address ( We will not impose any unreasonable conditions or additional requirements that will increase your obligations during the account closing/deregistration process. After you close/deregister your account, unless otherwise required by laws, regulations or applicable national standards, we will promptly delete or anonymize your personal information. If we need to retain certain personal information for the purpose of compliance with the applicable laws, regulations or applicable national standards, we will not use such personal information in our daily business operation.


4.4.      Copy of Personal Information

You have the right to obtain a copy of your personal information. If you would like to obtain a copy of the personal information we collect from you, you may contact us via any method set forth in Section 7 “Contact Us” of this Policy. We will respond to your request within 10 business days. To the extent permitted by law and feasible from a technical perspective, upon your request, we will provide you with a copy of your personal information or transmit a copy of your personal information directly to a third party you designate.


4.5.      Complaint/ Report

You have the right to lodge a complaint/report to Wahlap Official Website. You may initiate a complaint/report by contacting us via any method set forth in Section 7 “Contact Us” of this Policy. We will accept and process such complaint/report within 10 business days.


4.6.      Responding to Your Above Requests

For security purposes, you may be required to provide a written request or otherwise prove your identity. We may ask you to verify your identity prior to processing your request.


In principle, we will charge no fees for processing your reasonable requests. However, we may charge certain fees at cost for responding to repeatedly raised requests or unreasonable requests. If we decide not to respond to your request, we will notify you of our reasons for the non-response. If you have any further objection, you may lodge a complaint via any method set forth in Section 7 “Contact Us” of this Policy.


If fulfillment of your request is apparently difficult or would result in unreasonably high costs, we suggest that you please consider other options to protect your legitimate rights and interests.



5.        Protection of Personal Information of Minors


Wahlap Official Website is directed to adults only and we do not knowingly collect personal information of minor under the age of 18 or “minors” as defined by laws of the jurisdiction where the individual resides. If you are a minor, please do not attempt to fill out our forms or send any personal information about yourself to us. If we collect a minor’s personal information based on consent of the minor’s parents, we will only use or publicly disclose the information as permitted by law, with the express consent of the minor's parent or legal guardian, or as necessary to protect the minor.


If we become aware that a minor has provided us with his/her/its personal information without the prior and verifiable consent of the minor's parent or legal guardian, we will take steps to promptly erase such information as soon as possible.


If you believe that we may have collected personal information about a minor in your custody without your consent, please contact us via any method set forth in Section 7 “Contact Us” of this Policy and we will erase such information.



6.        Notices and Amendments


To provide you with better services, our business may change from time to time, and this Policy will be adjusted accordingly. We will not reduce any of your right under this Policy without your express consent. We will update this Policy from time to time and post it to this page, and please visit our website to keep abreast of the latest version of this Policy. In the above circumstances, your continuous use of our services constitutes your agreement to accept and be bound by the revised Policy.


We may provide more conspicuous notices in case of material changes (including, with respect to certain services, we will notify you of specific changes to this Policy through website announcements or even pop-up windows).


Material changes referred to in this Policy include, but are not limited to:

(1)   Material changes in our service model, e.g., the purpose of processing personal information, types of personal information processed and methods of using personal information;

(2)   Significant changes in our ownership structure and organizational structure, e.g., change in ownership due to business adjustment, bankruptcy, mergers and acquisitions, etc.;

(3)   Changes in the primary recipient(s) of sharing, transfer or public disclosure of personal information;

(4)   Material changes to your rights to participate in the processing of user information and the method of exercising such rights;

(5)   When there is any change in the department responsible for personal information security, our contact information or channels for lodging complaints;

(6)   When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates a high risk.


We will also file the historical versions of this Policy on a special page of our website for your reference.



7.        Contact Us


You may contact us in the following ways and we will respond to your request.

(1)   You may contact us using the online contact information provided on Wahlap Technology’s website (e.g.,;

(2)   You may contact us through our email (;

(3)   You may contact Wahlap Technology using the customer service number (+ 86-20-39226222);

(4)   You may also send letters to the following address:

Wahlap Technology, Room H1, 143 Yingxing East Road, Donghuan Street, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, 511450.


Normally, we will respond to you within 10 business days. If you are not satisfied with our reply, particularly if you believe that your legitimate rights and interests have been impaired by our processing of your personal information, you may also seek resolution by commencing litigation at a court with proper jurisdiction.


Addendum: For Users in Certain Jurisdictions


1.      European Union


Some of our existing or potential users are located in the European Union. For these existing or potential users, we will disclose the following in accordance with the privacy policy requirements set forth in the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”):


1.1  Personal Information Collected and Processed by Us; Legal Basis

If you are a user located in the European Union, the definition of “personal information” will be subject to Article 4 “Personal Data" of the GDPR. Personal data refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. We operate and sell the relevant products and services through Wahlap Official Website. We are the controller of your personal data under the GDPR.


When processing your personal data, we process your personal data in accordance with the legal bases permitted under the GDPR. These bases may include: processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you (for example, to provide you with a service or product you request, to identify and authenticate you so that you can use the website); processing is necessary for compliance with legal obligation (for example, to comply with a mandatory disclosure requirement of a law enforcement authority); processing is necessary for your legitimate interests (for example, to manage your account relationships, to ensure the security of services, to communicate with you regarding our products and services); and processing is based on your consent (for example, placing cookies, sharing end-user data with third parties for the purposes of providing you with reservation, order placement and management, etc.). Please refer to our disclosure in Sections 1 and 2 of the Policy for details.


1.2  Opt-in Use of Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

We do not use cookies or similar tracking technologies to track or process your personal information, unless they are strictly necessary cookies.


1.3  Rights of Personal Data Subjects.

When you use our services, we provide you with the following rights. We may restrict your rights where applicable laws or regulatory requirements allow or require us to do so, for example: (a) exercising your right would have a negative impact on the privacy of others; (b) for the purpose of protecting our legitimate rights and property; or (c) your request is impractical.


Ÿ  Right of access and right to erasure: Subject to certain exceptions, you may request to access or erase your personal data. Erasure of personal data may result in closing of your account, including all information therein and related thereto;

Ÿ  Right to rectification, right to object, right to restriction of processing and right to data portability: You may rectify or update your personal data, object to our processing of your personal data, request that we restrict processing of your personal data, or request that your personal data be provided to another data controller;

Ÿ  Withdrawal of Consent: If we collect and process your personal data based on your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the legality of our process activities prior to the withdrawal, and will not affect the processing of your personal data that is based on legal basis other than your consent;

Ÿ  Right to lodge a complaint: If you believe we have infringed your legitimate rights or interests or breached the Policy, you may lodge a complaint in accordance the approach set forth in section 4.5 of the Policy. In addition, you may lodge a complaint to a data protection authority regarding our collection and use of your personal data. You can find a list of local authorities responsible for data protection in the European Union and their contact details at


If you wish to enforce your rights under applicable law, please contact us via the contact details set out in Section 4 (“Your Rights”) of the Policy.


1.4  Processing Outside the European Union

The servers of Wahlap Official Website are located outside the European Union. When you access or use our services, your personal data may be processed at or transferred outside the European Union, including mainland China and Hong Kong, China. We transfer such personal data in accordance with Article 49(1)(b) of the GDPR for the purpose of providing our services to you in accordance with our agreement(s) with you. The aforementioned country or jurisdictions may not provide the same level of data protection as that offered under the laws of your home jurisdiction. If you do not wish your personal data to be transferred to, processed or maintained outside the country or jurisdiction in which you reside, you shall immediately stop visiting or using Wahlap Official Website. For further details about these transfers and the safeguards we use to facilitate such transfers, please contact us via any method set forth in Section 7 “Contact Us” of the Policy.



2.      United States


Some of our existing or potential users are located in the United States. With respect to these existing or potential users, we make the following disclosures in accordance with the privacy policy requirements of state laws of some states of the United States (e.g., the California Consumer Privacy Act):


2.1  Categories of Personal Information We Collect

Please refer to Section 1 of the Policy for the personal information we collect and process when you use the services of Wahlap Official Website. If you are a resident of the state of California, please refer to below for a summary of the personal information we have collected in the last twelve (12) months, in the categories as established and defined by the California Consumer Privacy Act, as amended and pursuant to its successor statutes (collectively, the “CCPA”) [see California Civil Code §1798.140 (o)]:


Ÿ  Identifiers: name, email, WhatsApp, WeChat, IP address of and indirect, identifiable identifiers associated with your device;

Ÿ  Commercial information: information relating to your browsing, searching, clicking, etc.;

Ÿ  Internet or other electronic network activity information: web logs (including your IP address, browser information, terminal device information, specific visit time, specific pages visited, landing pages and the visit duration, etc.), and the complaints or service requests lodged by you through electronic means;

Ÿ  Audio information: records of complaints or service requests you lodge by way of voice messages.


We generally do not collect the protected categories, biometric information or education-related information of our users.


2.2  Categories of Personal Information Disclosed to Third Parties

The circumstances in which we provide your personal information to third parties are described in Section 2.1 of the Policy. If you are a resident of the state of California, please refer to below for a summary of the above-mentioned information in the categories as established and defined by CCPA [see California Civil Code §1798.140(o)]:


Ÿ  Identifiers: name, email, WhatsApp, WeChat;

Ÿ  Internet or other electronic network activity information: the complaints or service requests lodged by you through electronic means;

Ÿ  Audio information: records of complaints or service requests you submit by way of voice messages.


2.3  Storage of Personal Information

If permitted or required by law, we will retain your personal information for such period of time as necessary to serve the purposes stated in the Policy to enable your continued use of Wahlap Official Website.


2.4  No sale of personal information.

We have not sold and will not sell any personal information of any users, as those terms are defined under the CCPA.


2.5  Your Personal Information Rights

If you are a resident of the state of California, you have the following rights to your personal information; however, your rights are subject to certain exceptions. For example, we cannot disclose certain personal information if such disclosure would create a substantial, articulable and unreasonable risk to the security of personal information, your account with us or our network system. To exercise your right of access and right to delete, please refer to Section 4 (“Your Rights”) of the Policy. To confirm your identity, we may ask you to verify personal information that we have on file for you or provide other documentation that identifies you to be whom you claim to be. If we are unable to verify your identity based on the information we have on file, we may ask you to provide us with additional information, which we will use solely to verify your identity and for security or fraud prevention purposes.


Ÿ  Right against discrimination. You have the right not to be discriminated against while exercising any of your rights described in this Section. We will not discriminate against you for your exercises of your right of access or right to delete;

Ÿ  Right of access. You have the right to request us to present in writing the information we collect or disclose about you, the corresponding business purposes and the sources of such information. You have the right to request a copy of certain personal information we collect about you during the 12 months before your request;

Ÿ  Right to delete. Subject to certain exceptions, you have the right to ask us to delete any personal information we collect or retain about you;

Ÿ  Right to Opt-out of personal information selling. You have the right not to have your personal information sold. We have not sold and will not sell any personal information of any users as those terms are defined under the CCPA.


Only you or a person duly authorized by you to act on your behalf can make a verifiable consumer request for your personal information as a California consumer. If you use an authorized agent to submit such requests, we will require either written evidence that the authorized agent is authorized to act on your behalf or a copy of a power of attorney granting that authority.


In addition, California’s “Shine the Light” law permits residents of California to request from us information about certain personal information we disclose to third parties (please refer to California Civil Code §1798.83(e)(6) for a list of categories of personal information). You may submit a disclosure request no more than once per year at no charge, via any method set forth in Section 7 “Contact Us” of the Policy. However, we will not share any personal information protected under the “Shine the Light” law with third parties or affiliates for their direct marketing purposes.


Our disclosure above about our collection and processing of personal information by reference to the GDPR and the relevant laws of the United States is solely for the purpose of better protecting your personal information. Our disclosure above shall in no circumstance be interpreted as we acknowledge that the GDPR and/or the relevant laws of the United States are applicable to the business activities of Wahlap Official Website or our processing practices. Whether the GDPR and/or the relevant laws of the United States are applicable to the business activities of Wahlap Official Website or our processing activities shall be assessed by legal professionals in the relevant jurisdictions on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with applicable laws.